You can handle it. You’ve worked hard at developing a place of peace, a place of power. Now you’re being challenged, but it is in the midst of turmoil your spiritual muscles are really being used. If everything was good all the time, you’d have no practice. Focus on that which you can change, and do that to the best of your ability.


You have to walk by faith and not by sight.


You have to walk by faith and not by sight. This newly faith-filled attitude is the beginning of trust. We are starting to see more synchronicities in what appears to be day-to-day life. Most of us find that as we work with the angels, we begin to notice more blessings come our way. Feeling less anxious, we are attracting more positive experiences. This increased vibration is one of the first fruits of aligning our energy with the angels

Quadrantids Meteors today…

Today January 4, we have QUADRANTIDS at 25 meteors/ hour. These are the first meteor showers of 2014.

Quadrantid Meteor Showers all day, Jan 4, 2014
Quadrantid Meteor Showers all day, Jan 4, 2014

On this day of the meteor shower, we will experience excitement and a rush throughout our collective consciousness.

This shower stimulates our minds, our ability to be conscious, consciousness in general, and our ideas and our ability to flow with life.

These meteor showers connects with the Archangel Uriel, and his brilliant ideas and Christ Consciousness Chakra connecting to our higher consciousness.

The light of Uriel features his ability to illuminate your mind
The light of Uriel features his ability to illuminate your mind

Also connecting to Archangel Uriel, we have the moon in Aquarius influencing us until 10 AM Mountain standard Time.  Uriel is like an Aquarius who silently sits back and observes all the players, then inserts his brilliant ideas with perfect timing.  This brilliant energy we’ll feel mood-wise until early Saturday morning.

After 10 am, we have the moon moving into Pisces that connects to the Archangel Sandalphon. Sandalphon features the Arts, Gentleness and Victory.  A gentle dreamy energy will cover our hearts and minds until Monday afternoon establishing an intuitive mood.

Gentleness, Victory, & the arts
Gentleness, Victory, & the arts

This is the best weekend energetically to experience this meteor shower, because we will have a heightened ability from the two planets to be in touch with our grandest ideas and to have the ability to apply them artistically.

Carpe diem is the theme of the day. It’s very important to “seize the day” and do exactly what you feel compelled to do.

For example, if you feel like hosting an event, then you should do it today or announce it or send out invitations today.  People will be more receptive today than any other day of the year. Everyone is feeling the excitement  of the meteor showers on a subconscious level. Hence, people will be more receptive to that heightened energy, because they feel bit more tired Sunday and Monday. So I suggest that you write ideas and take some steps today to bring them to fruition on Saturday!

This Saturday is also a good day to start any kind of manifestation process because Moon is Sextile to Mercury. Good for communication and writing. Any kind of  self-improvement activities that you can start to engage in from this day forward until January 14 would be advisable. Any kind of self-improvement plan, workshop or class or any kind of activity that you feel drawn to would be excellent at this time. When you do activities that involve action, it activates your higher self and merges your lower self.  In contrast, if you simply keep the ideas— in mind—- there is not a marriage between Soul and Self.–the ideas don’t fuse between the lower and upper chakras. Hence, self-improvement activities coming from our higher consciousness that stimulate creativity today will strengthen the Marriage of Soul and Self.


Julie and the angels.

#JulieRobinson #YYC #yycangelintuitive

BOOK AN ANGEL READING WITH JULIE: Right now is an excellent time to receive healing messages from your angels. To schedule an Angel Reading with me visit:

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Self-Care for the Holidays…

Angel 013
Angel 013 (Photo credit: Juliett-Foxtrott)

In the winter; serotonin can be raised to increase mood through natural methods of self-care . Enclosed, I channel and describe in detail modes of self nurturing for your body, mind and spirit, which can elevate your mood by holistic means. I have relied on spiritual alternatives to pursue while working with your energy field. Modes of serotonin elevating and chakra clearing are part of the strategy to show how both you can heal yourself indoors through natural means. Through these activities, I have examined a few simple ways to clear yourself. With the help of the loving angels, I have examined these strategies that can contribute to your health, in order so that you can finally feel happy in the winter.


Some mood elevators:

~Crystal Chakra Spreads

* Crystals have natural healing properties that activate your chakras the same way the sunlight does to elevate serotonin.

~Lying on a Yantra Matt is good for accessing the acupuncture meridians in the energy field that clears them.

~Yoga–good for reducing stress, balancing chakras, keeping fit, accessing your psychic abilities, and overall cognitive functionality.

Stained glass depiction of 3 Angels' Messages.
Stained glass depiction of 3 Angels’ Messages. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mental tips:

~Don’t take things personally. Know that the way other people are has nothing to do with you, but has to do with their level of evolution. Accepting the way people are is vital here.

~Try your best with every interaction you can and remember that what energy you send out, is the energy will always receive back in return. Try to stay calm when interacting with family, friends and co-workers.

~Plan your interactions to be positive. Set the intention that they will be fruitful and you will receive an abundance of love and prosperity and health in your life. Planning interactions can reduce stress.

~If people don’t respond the way do you want them to, don’t take it personally. Simply respond kindly and take the higher road. Make a higher choice and see how this changes your life.

~Leave the results to the universe. Getting upset, engaging in conflict and drama will only bring your energy down. God or karma takes care of people than anything we can ever do.


Believe in yourself, even if you’re feeling low now.  The best thing in the world you can do is start to believe in things about yourself that you know are good.  Even if it’s something simple like, you have a nice smile or you’re an excellent listener. Make a list of all of your positive attributes and then see how they grow from there.

Take a risk and try something new. Even the smallest risk and help make you feel positive again. Do something positive that scares you!

Make sure you make time for yourself every day to meditate and talk to your Angels. The Angels have miraculous solutions waiting for you. Unfortunately the Angels cannot intervene in your life without your permission so during your down time, you must ask them for help!

And try to keep up a routine. During the Christmas holidays, many people have “time off” and they tend to get stagnant and eat unhealthy foods out of boredom. While having some fun during the holidays is unavoidable for most people, make a point of creating a healthy routine for yourself that involve some healthy self-care. Such as meditating every morning when you wake up, working out a specific amount of days per week, and when you’re away from the holiday dates, to try to eat as healthy as possible.

The Angels and I are praying that you have a very happy holiday season indeed. We are always here for you when you need us.

Happy Holidays!


Julie and the angels.


BOOK AN ANGEL READING WITH JULIE: Right now is an excellent time to receive healing messages from your angels. To schedule an Angel Reading with me

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