Check out tomorrow’s #BananaLetter: “What is it with men and women who cheat? ” @JulieHelenaRobinson

Hey Julie,
What is it with men and women in relationships why their an inkeling or the temptation to cheat on another partner when the partnership is not finished? Is their something better out there?
Submitt your own:
Tune in for Julie’s Response this Sunday:

#BananaLetters Have you writen yours today?
Have you writen yours today?

Check out today’s #Bananaletter “I would appreciate the Angels guidance on moving forward in grace and ease and not be so fearful and anxious.” @JulieHelenaRobinson

Hi Julie & The Angels, What makes me bananas is my divorce (after 31 years of marriage) and it’s aftermath. I filed in Sept. 2014 and finally got a date for the Final Orders hearing of Sept. 10th. It’s been so stressful because it fells like it will never end. I have a lot of anxiety about my future – living on my own, finances, finding the right career path for me, finding love again, and just getting myself back out there as a “me” and not a “we”. I would appreciate the Angels guidance on moving forward in grace and ease and not be so fearful and anxious. Thank you & blessings,Julia

Julie’s response:


I’m excited to announce starting today I will be doing a “Ask Julie” corner on my #AngelHeartTalkShow by answering what I call “Banana Letters”. In these, you can ask me anything and I’ll reply in posts and on the air. Here’s the link to: Submit Banana Letter




Numerology Universal Year 6

Happy New Year! The New Year, 2022, promises to bring many wonderful opportunities for humans to evolve. According to numerology, we are heading into the number six Universal Year. The number six is arrived at by adding the numbers 2-0-2-2, which equals six. In a Global year six, a numerical influence lays the groundwork for spiritual growth, illumination, and a greater understanding.

As we enter into a Global six-year, a positive turn after many restrictions and moving through karma last year, we head towards the right actions by being responsible for creating our own harmony. From the year 2021, a five year, which taught us many lessons, we move out of the outmoded thoughts and into the Sphere of the Sun representing the attributes of the number six: illumination, understanding, and spiritual growth. Because we have dismantled old beliefs in the year previous, we are now ready for the “new and improved” like a phoenix rising from the flames. This rebirth and attempt to be better than the world is balanced and inspired by our greater selves.

This six-spot numerical influence represents the manifestation of harmony in all aspects of our lives: spiritual upliftment, devotion to great relationships such as family, love relationships, our parents, and even in our business life. We will move through the day-to-day, driven by the feeling to do good work on the physical to achieve what we need on the spiritual. The emphasis for harmony then becomes on “healing what is broken”; however, the angels say we need to start with ourselves. “Projection and codependence” i.e., giving from guilt need not apply to this hexad year. Loving others first comes from the self, and this year we are learning just how to do that with care and compassion. Therefore, we need to be even more forgiving and patient than in years past, since we no longer feel we can do things for the wrong reasons.

To better love ourselves, we can do our part to understand our own needs on a daily basis, so we don’t allow for triggers to build up. When you don’t check in with your inner child, a lot of important calls go unanswered. The energy of 2022 is all about exercising your faith, and belief in yourself, but you can’t do that if you don’t take a good look in the mirror once in a while.

Throughout this Global six-year, you are being asked by Higher Power to examine what pulls you away from the spirit. To decoy what threatens you away from your sense of peace. Maybe it’s to heal the pain triggered when you perceive yourself as being attacked. And maybe it’s to become aware that you do get defensive. The card we pulled for this year, “Decoy Incentives,” is a pointer for you to move beyond your habitual suffering from reactions, inviting you to take a look at the three things that pull us away from Spirit. They are attraction, aversion, and indifference.  

To reconnect ourselves to spirit, the influence of the hexagram takes you through a year in your life where you can illuminate what is dark in an attempt to fix what’s broken. In a sequence of occasions over the next twelve months, you will best be served by developing a loving and fulfilling relationship with yourself, and then from your own love overflowing, choose to give to others from this sincere place. You will have a symmetrical relationship with others as you have with yourself. Remember that the goal this year is harmony, so by nurturing and tending to yourself, you will be in a better position to attract others who nurture you too.

While dealing with each month, rely on love as your intention behind why you do what you do. Don’t take any action from a place of fear or obligation. You will be guided to rediscover the true meaning of love this year as part of your spiritual growth. Anything can be accomplished with love as the cause. The basis of love, however, is in the giving of joy, the compassion for self and others, the acceptance of imperfection, the forgiveness of fault, to want harmony among things; it has no correlation whatsoever to the unpersuasive strategies of control, guilt, hate, or living in the grip of fear in general.

The energy of this semestral year is influenced by the need for creativity, bringing our dreams into reality, and reminds you to see the bigger picture: all big love energies. Taking a balanced, peaceful stance in all things will assure an auspicious outcome, considering the highest good of all concerned. Do not put your energy into negative thoughts or beliefs and you will find positive results on all levels.

The number 2022 will remind you to stay connected to a higher power to stay focused on your dreams this year. The angels are here to assist you, and especially Archangel Uriel and Metatron can help you to stay on task to completion during this idiomatic numerical influence. Archangel Uriel can be called upon for ideas, while Metatron likes to help us with focus and acclimating to challenging energies.

The number six-year effectively influences you to be your greatest self. 2022 is going to be beneficial for several issues related to the human condition. By focusing on love and harmony, a person will grow spiritually, experience illumination, and experience a greater understanding.

Global 5 year

As we enter the “Global 5 Year,” dawning at the Age of Aquarius, we have an opportunity for a new beginning after everything has fallen apart. From the end of the Pisces era, which shaped many of our beliefs, we move out of ideals that kept us segregated into an age that will keep us connected.  Any old structures will be dismantled as we work on our evolution pushed by the Aquarian generation. This position represented by the “New Beginnings” card is symbolic of us moving through old Karma as we make things easier on ourselves.

This quint numerical influence represents the destruction of the temporal and of lessons learned. We can seek to create improved experiences that start with new intentions as we move through the Hall of Karmic represented by the number five. The Hall of Karma is such that what we learned in 2020 will be used in a  time to set new intentions in 2021. The emphasis then becomes about “keeping your thoughts positive” to benefit not only yourself but the new reality you are trying to create. The energy of the pentagon is not harmful—but it can be difficult if we are stubborn.  Therefore, we need to be even more open to Divine guidance, rather than relying on our ways through scenarios to manifest through lessons of restrictions. 

To be easier on ourselves, we can go deeper within to lift any restrictions, so we don’t attract setbacks on the outer level of form. Any painful feelings denied are trapped inside you and will deplete your freedom as part of this year’s impact. The energy of 2021 is all about freedom, and you’ll have many opportunities to throw out old beliefs and heal painful feelings so that you can create a new reality that aligns even more with your soul. 

Throughout this global year five, your choices and abilities to be forward-thinking will be required for both global and personal victory. And that is why we pulled the Victory card for 2021.

The Victory card represents hard work, accountability, and rising above negative energy. Areas of hidden strength will come out of you for sure if you apply the three ingredients for Victory: 1. Truthful communication, 2. visualizing success and 3. exercise forgiveness so that you can purify your heart and lighten your energy!

To lighten your energy, the influence of pentagram steers you through a year of your life where you can clear up the Karma. In a sequence of occasions over the next 12 months, you will best be served by altering your viewpoints to a place of seeing other people’s points of view, and you may even wish to use lessons taught by past difficulties. You know exactly the person who you want to be moving forward. Know that you’ve gotten far enough in life to be in a better place to be more objective.

While dealing with each circumstance, rely on your strengths instead of your weaknesses as a method of coping. Don’t rely on your old, outmoded modes of communication. You will be guided to speak more effectively as a way to update your Karma.

The energy in a quintuple year is sponsored by lessons taught in the past to help you not repeat your mistakes in the future. We are all compelled to move beyond the ego and transcend into the sphere of Higher-self.

The exerting power behind the quintuple energy helps us examine our intentions and reveals how our realities manifest. Matters become less challenging as we become more forgiving. The pentamerous influences will help you rise higher in your communication habits, so you’re finally able to break free from Karmic deficits. For example, you can make new choices and, as a result, pass the test so God can take you higher. The numerical influence of this year can be useful in your evolutionary growth because you’ll be able to recognize the lessons of the past and manifest miracles, step by step.

In this period of your life, pay special attention to know what’s we need before it’s needed—typically for the greater good of all concerned. Moving intuitively and being in the moment will be crucial and essential to keep in mind the momentum of receiving the guidance you need and following guided action between you and your Higher power.

 This five energy effectively makes you develop new methods of evolving higher because it can represent the past in a way that both teaches you past difficulties and offers you the grace to choose higher. 

You will effectively overcome the weakness inside you that you wish to strengthen in support of joining the new dawn of Aquarius, an era of Light, love and community.

Prediction for a Global year 4!

year 4Happy New Year! The New Year, 2020, promises to bring many opportunities to reenergize and foster growth in relationships. According to numerology, we are heading into the number “4” year. The number four is arrived at by adding the numbers 2-0-2-0, which equals 40 and then adding 4 plus 0 which equals 4. In a Global year 4, a numerical influence lays the groundwork for expansion to come and this will benefit many couples by expanding their relationships.

The energy of the number “2” in 2020 energizes pairs to move through difficulties with determination and effort rather than laziness and a laissez-faire attitude. And the breakdown of the numbers 2020 equaling 4 represents the cohesion derived from what both individuals believe in and what things will create abundance.

The energy of this year is all about working in unison with an “other” and exercising forgiveness and mercy to create a pillar of expansion, and you may even need to align your visions together to create the best path.

Throughout this Global Four year, the angels are with you and therefore you must collaborate with them as a team for everyone’s benefit. Challenging areas will arise if your intentions are not grounded in generosity, therefore realign with your Divinity so that you can finally learn to work for the good of all.

Now in order for you to work for the good of all, the energy of four will steer you through a year of your life where you must work towards giving to others from a place of love. In order to move forward with grace, you must be willing to give anything for the benefit of love so that you can sincerely be in alignment with your soul. You must believe in the commitment of meeting other’s needs from a place of sincerity rather than egotism. This kind of love requires discipline and effort.

In a sequence of events over the next 12 months, you will benefit from making the choice to expend energy in an effort to benefit the other person, knowing that his or her life is enriched by your effort. You, too, will find a sense of satisfaction from having genuinely loved another.

This year does not require you to “calculate” your next move, but rather to feel it from your heart center so that you can align it for the right course of your abundant life.

With Love and Gratitude,

Thank you for sharing this message. If it resonates with you, be sure to keep up with me on Facebook:

Mercury Retrograde & the Super full moon are creating a cosmic cocktail that’s aligning you with your higher self.

Full Moon in (2)

In today’s “Cosmic Cocktail”, we have the full Moon in Gemini influencing us to communicate more and Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius shifting us into saying what needs to be said. The Moon in Gemini impacts us with a carefree lightness that gives the impression that we are fun, interesting and great to be with and Mercury in Sagittarius shapes us to look at past decisions and ideas from a new, possibly enlightened perspective. The Gemini power is all about the ability to deal with problems and questions with a ready wit and an informed mind, which with the Sagg influence is to be careful with our choice topics and wording. Gravity and emotions are part of this planetary combination nurturing to us to think about communication, but where we may miss the mark this month, is with the chances of being misinterpreted, slipshod in our thinking or work, and missing deadlines or appointments that run higher than usual, even more so than with other Mercury retrograde cycles. Through this intoxicating mixture of cosmic bodies, we are affected to examine our patterns in correspondence and to return to past projects by refining or tweaking them. This clever marriage is great for helping to examine these patterns that were dragging us down before in order so that we may finally break free of them.



Full Moon in Taurus. (1)


With the Full Moon in Taurus, the mood influences us to want to feel a sense of emotional permanence and stability through the need to be physically satisfied. The mood nurtures us and antagonizes other by creating comfort in a sensuous manner, providing Other with the necessary creature comforts but withholds emotional favors.  The mood’s nature gives rise to our being psychologically unaware by wanting to possess Other as if they were personal property. Modes of wanting to gravitate towards relationships that are based on material stability and physical gratification, rather than, say, spiritual growth are among the moon tides to stimulate us to examine this pattern of  compensation.  Through the steady yet stuobborn moon placement, it will succcessfully force us to examine the patterns of stagnation and meaninglessness to begin to review our motivation that contriubes to our emotional limitations so that we may finally break free of them.





Full Moon in Aries Evaluation and Reading

fullmoonaries  A long way we’ve come from the 90’s where we were stuck afraid to be ourselves, nestled behind false images, meanwhile dying on the inside.

In 2017, our biggest problem is how to balance our inner truth in harmony with the rest of world without strong-arming others into doing things our own way.

The Full Moon in Aries is no exception to that self-imposing force as we are dealing with very “God-of -War” like energy (along with self-righteousness) that can make us all mad.

We cannot allow planetary configurations to “take over” our personality though! We have to take responsibility for the way we show up in the world and try to be a little diplomatic despite a time where the planets would challenge us to rage, we must remain tactful.

We are living at a time where a little partnerships mentality would go a long way in preventing a world war, but that means letting go and trying to see things eye-to-eye.

So, we need to do the one thing history has taught us not to do, we need to work together! We need to remember our people skills – our expertise at bending; our talent for seeing things from another’s point of view, our knack for listening and asking questions into action, we need to incorporate our civility amidst civilization. What a concept!

Why is this cooperative attitude needed? There’s a lot of “heated” emotion bubbling with this fiery moon placement, and with it, can come a whole host of “hot-headed” responses. What’s influencing that?

I’ve heard it said that this Aries moon placement of “projecting yourself to others”.  So how you carry yourself over the next 17days carries a lot of weight here. (Why 17 days? I dunno but that’s just what the spirits told me). We have to see how our unconscious anger and frustrations can be expressed differently. Rather than projecting our rage onto others, we need to discover what it’s trying to tell us.

Other messages:

Yes, it’s important to be assertive but let other’s lead when they need to.

Very crucial time to be truthful with ourselves and others.

Deal with issues, but first, deal with them within yourself.

It is seemingly scary to be ourselves but necessary right now.

You can handle anything right now.

We are being guided strongly to “not give up”.

Full Harvest Moon.

Blessings to all,



⚬  F U L L  M O O N  ⚬

October 5th  11:40 am PDT

October 5th 6:40 pm GMT

October 6th   5:40 am AEDT








Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius

The Humanitarian Soul.png

During the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius today, the energy will influence you to create comfort towards others by initially relating on a friendly, mental level while maintaining emotional distance. The moon placement naturally pulls you into a natural psychological awareness to give you plenty of space to express who you truly are, which nurtures your instinct to be emotionally experimental. The moon in Aquarius emphasizes your need to be your be your own person with others and to examine how the kind of mothering, or lack of mothering you received, and how this influences the way you show up with others in the world. An awareness builds to give others plenty of space to express themselves as they like as part of the Partial Eclipse pull to feel similarities of how both you and others need great tolerance and intuitive understanding. Through the moon in Aquarius, it  influences you to examine the patterns of the Humanitarian Soul that contributes to a higher level of evolution. The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius helps you to examine these patterns that can make you a better person in order so that you may finally evolve to your greatest potential.

To discover more on how you are unconsciously drawn to relationships and what you unconsciously bring to the table when you show up, book your private reading with Julie here:

For daily inspiration on angels and other healing, follow Julie on Twitter here:

Learn more about Spiritual Abundance during Julie’s “Angel Heart Talk Show” on Monday, August 14th here:


The Experience of Dancing through Pain to Gain


Setting ​Up Today’s Angel Lesson

I realized something…that ​I should not try to make my feelings go away. That ​I should instead learn to dance with them.

A long time ago, I used to shut my feelings down. In fact, I realized I was addicted to shutting down and withdrawal. That was my coping mechanism.

It also kept me safe, or so I thought.

But now with my current awareness, I can see that I am safer in being vulnerable with how I feel, and in my presentation of such; in my expression with those around me.

And so it is with this awareness that I share my experience and understanding with you so that you too can know the beauty of this angel lesson.

~ ​Being Together

That we can never truly “make” our feelings go away. We are human too.

And although in the spiritual path and propaganda there is such ideas to “let it go” or “transcend this or that”, we still get triggered into pain by things.

So what then? Are we doomed away from spirituality because we have a negative emotion?

Are we no longer spiritual if we get pissed off? Or use the words “pissed off”?

​       I don’t think so. I think that’s real. Real for the human experience we call life. Thoughts?​

Being alive on this planet can be so painful. Why should we “let go of it?’

Why not dance with it, so that we can grow from it and then the lessons and suffering will to fall away naturally? ​

~ And so, for You​

I​f you and I dance with the fear … you and I can win … fly … grow​.

There is always a feeling to dance with. (1)


And if you can learn to stay present in your pain, with your pain, then and only then can you transcend it.

But only through being with your feelings first, not put pushing them down, pretending to be happy, or pretending that it doesn’t matter, or that you and your feelings don’t matter.

They do matter. You do matter. You matter.

      I say, dance with your pain; dance with your anxiety; dance with what triggers you.

How else would you be tested? But through the experience, you grow.

The experience of dancing through it. Not over it, not above it. Just through it do you grow.

And that is all I have to say on that for now.

Have a lovely Friday. And yes, it does feel like Friday to me now and not just because tomorrow I have the day off!


Love and light,

Julie Robinson


Julie Robinson, Angel intuitive, medium, and teacher in the fields of self-development, spiritual and psychic growth.


Join me back on the Angel Heart Talk Show for live Angel Readings, Monday, May 29th here: Angel Heart Talk Show


10 Easy Practices Your Angels Want You to Engage in.

  1. Forgiveness. Forgive yourself for judging yourself as not being good enough. The Angels say we humans struggle with feelings of deservingness and need to forgive ourselves for that as we deserve all good things.
  2. Practice Presence. Entering into the present moment is a much better way to live your life and hear your angels.When we are conscious of the now we can better hear the messages waiting for us.
  3. Be Kind. Everyone is on a journey and we don’t know what others are going through. A little bit of kindness can go a long way.
  4. Practice Laughter. Laughter opens the pathways to the heart and tares down walls. Try to coat your feelings with laughter always.
  5. Don’t Take Yourself too seriously. 
  6. Let Love in.
  7. Let Go of Anger and Blame.
  8. Take responsibility.
  9. Let stuff go. We cannot control everything. Let things go as all is in God’s hands.
  10. Always do your best. Show up in life with the best possible version of yourself. And all good things will come to you.

For more good Angel messages, tune into the Angel Heart Talk show with Angel Intuitive Julie Robinson, Mondays at 1 pm M.S.T.

Easy Practices Your Angels Want to you to Engage in.

“Miracle Principles” airs Jan. 9 in the afternoon! Click here for show times in your area…

You’ve decided it’s time to evolve! Julie Robinson has some spiritual-growth tools to help elevate your vibration to where you can attract anything you want and be successful.

Image result for people experiencing miracles pictures
Are you living miracles everyday or just sometimes? Are obstacles all you see?  Everyday is an opportunity to peer through life’s obstacles and see solutions. It’s very liberating to realize that you can co-create miracles with the right techniques. Julie would like to show you how to use the resources you have right now, to manifest miracles consistently. The Angels are standing by, and everyday they are waiting to help you nurture the miracle seeds within you. Don’t waste the potential within you by doing the wrong things. Allow Julie to give you the right tools you need to evolve on  Monday, January  9th at 1 pm M.S.T. for her live call-in show on Blogtalk radio! Call in at (347) 850-1199 or Listen here