Understanding Psychic Attack Part 1

Psychic attack

By Julie Turner

Note from author: (Although most of my posts are generally focused on the light for the purpose of your highest good, I felt this article important for your awareness.)

Understanding psychic attack offers people a great deal.  Some people may not be aware of the benefits they are missing out on if they are not aware of the effects of psychic attack. These benefits are simply not individual.  It is time for people to learn how psychic attack affects the collective energy vibration, physical well-being, and personal relationships.

Understanding psychic attack improves the overall vibration of the collective consciousness.  Everyone knows that malicious attempts to interfere with free will and energy affects everyone, but some people may not know why.  Psychic attack can happen both consciously or unconsciously, when an individual(s) sends energy that is harmful to another person that interferes with their overall vibration by creating suffering for both individual and the collective.  As a result, an individual who has been attacked psychically can have altered thought processes, lower energy vibration, and therefore, can contribute to polluting the atmosphere of everyone within range of their consciousness.  This fearful, disruptive individual is one that society rejects.

Psychic attack, however, does not just provide a person with the chance of being rejected socially,; it decreases a person’s physical well-being.  Psychic attack minimizes homeostasis and interferes with the body system to run smoothly in general. For example, it meddles with a person’s sleep cycle, immune system resistance, and increases physical pain. Psychic attack, therefore, intrudes personal equilibrium but, more importantly, sabotages the ability for people to feel their greatest.

If anyone thinks these effects of psychic attack are not reason enough to learn to protect and clear oneself , he or she should know that having your energy meddled with can also affect a person’s relationships.  Being psychically attacked can decrease the healthiness of decision-making. Ineffective decision-making can interfere with personal relationships. People who have a messed up state may say or do things that are out of character. Other people in the individual’s life may not understand that the person cannot be responsible for their sudden change in character.  Being attacked psychically can creep in and sabotage personal relationships. Psychic attack, then, not only can interfere with a person’s physical health; it can interfere with relationship harmony.

People are unfamiliar with the effects of psychic attack miss out on a fair amount of insight.  Knowledge about psychic attack is beneficial for several issues related to the human condition. By keeping up-to-date about the effects of psychic attack a person can understand sudden change in themselves or in other people’s character, physical well-being, and personal relationships.

Great Video by Devine Miracles: