Full Moon in Taurus. (1)


With the Full Moon in Taurus, the mood influences us to want to feel a sense of emotional permanence and stability through the need to be physically satisfied. The mood nurtures us and antagonizes other by creating comfort in a sensuous manner, providing Other with the necessary creature comforts but withholds emotional favors.  The mood’s nature gives rise to our being psychologically unaware by wanting to possess Other as if they were personal property. Modes of wanting to gravitate towards relationships that are based on material stability and physical gratification, rather than, say, spiritual growth are among the moon tides to stimulate us to examine this pattern of  compensation.  Through the steady yet stuobborn moon placement, it will succcessfully force us to examine the patterns of stagnation and meaninglessness to begin to review our motivation that contriubes to our emotional limitations so that we may finally break free of them.





Full Moon in Aries Evaluation and Reading

fullmoonaries  A long way we’ve come from the 90’s where we were stuck afraid to be ourselves, nestled behind false images, meanwhile dying on the inside.

In 2017, our biggest problem is how to balance our inner truth in harmony with the rest of world without strong-arming others into doing things our own way.

The Full Moon in Aries is no exception to that self-imposing force as we are dealing with very “God-of -War” like energy (along with self-righteousness) that can make us all mad.

We cannot allow planetary configurations to “take over” our personality though! We have to take responsibility for the way we show up in the world and try to be a little diplomatic despite a time where the planets would challenge us to rage, we must remain tactful.

We are living at a time where a little partnerships mentality would go a long way in preventing a world war, but that means letting go and trying to see things eye-to-eye.

So, we need to do the one thing history has taught us not to do, we need to work together! We need to remember our people skills – our expertise at bending; our talent for seeing things from another’s point of view, our knack for listening and asking questions into action, we need to incorporate our civility amidst civilization. What a concept!

Why is this cooperative attitude needed? There’s a lot of “heated” emotion bubbling with this fiery moon placement, and with it, can come a whole host of “hot-headed” responses. What’s influencing that?

I’ve heard it said that this Aries moon placement of “projecting yourself to others”.  So how you carry yourself over the next 17days carries a lot of weight here. (Why 17 days? I dunno but that’s just what the spirits told me). We have to see how our unconscious anger and frustrations can be expressed differently. Rather than projecting our rage onto others, we need to discover what it’s trying to tell us.

Other messages:

Yes, it’s important to be assertive but let other’s lead when they need to.

Very crucial time to be truthful with ourselves and others.

Deal with issues, but first, deal with them within yourself.

It is seemingly scary to be ourselves but necessary right now.

You can handle anything right now.

We are being guided strongly to “not give up”.

Full Harvest Moon.

Blessings to all,



⚬  F U L L  M O O N  ⚬

October 5th  11:40 am PDT

October 5th 6:40 pm GMT

October 6th   5:40 am AEDT








The Experience of Dancing through Pain to Gain


Setting ​Up Today’s Angel Lesson

I realized something…that ​I should not try to make my feelings go away. That ​I should instead learn to dance with them.

A long time ago, I used to shut my feelings down. In fact, I realized I was addicted to shutting down and withdrawal. That was my coping mechanism.

It also kept me safe, or so I thought.

But now with my current awareness, I can see that I am safer in being vulnerable with how I feel, and in my presentation of such; in my expression with those around me.

And so it is with this awareness that I share my experience and understanding with you so that you too can know the beauty of this angel lesson.

~ ​Being Together

That we can never truly “make” our feelings go away. We are human too.

And although in the spiritual path and propaganda there is such ideas to “let it go” or “transcend this or that”, we still get triggered into pain by things.

So what then? Are we doomed away from spirituality because we have a negative emotion?

Are we no longer spiritual if we get pissed off? Or use the words “pissed off”?

​       I don’t think so. I think that’s real. Real for the human experience we call life. Thoughts?​

Being alive on this planet can be so painful. Why should we “let go of it?’

Why not dance with it, so that we can grow from it and then the lessons and suffering will to fall away naturally? ​

~ And so, for You​

I​f you and I dance with the fear … you and I can win … fly … grow​.

There is always a feeling to dance with. (1)


And if you can learn to stay present in your pain, with your pain, then and only then can you transcend it.

But only through being with your feelings first, not put pushing them down, pretending to be happy, or pretending that it doesn’t matter, or that you and your feelings don’t matter.

They do matter. You do matter. You matter.

      I say, dance with your pain; dance with your anxiety; dance with what triggers you.

How else would you be tested? But through the experience, you grow.

The experience of dancing through it. Not over it, not above it. Just through it do you grow.

And that is all I have to say on that for now.

Have a lovely Friday. And yes, it does feel like Friday to me now and not just because tomorrow I have the day off!


Love and light,

Julie Robinson


Julie Robinson, Angel intuitive, medium, and teacher in the fields of self-development, spiritual and psychic growth.


Join me back on the Angel Heart Talk Show for live Angel Readings, Monday, May 29th here: Angel Heart Talk Show


10 Easy Practices Your Angels Want You to Engage in.

  1. Forgiveness. Forgive yourself for judging yourself as not being good enough. The Angels say we humans struggle with feelings of deservingness and need to forgive ourselves for that as we deserve all good things.
  2. Practice Presence. Entering into the present moment is a much better way to live your life and hear your angels.When we are conscious of the now we can better hear the messages waiting for us.
  3. Be Kind. Everyone is on a journey and we don’t know what others are going through. A little bit of kindness can go a long way.
  4. Practice Laughter. Laughter opens the pathways to the heart and tares down walls. Try to coat your feelings with laughter always.
  5. Don’t Take Yourself too seriously. 
  6. Let Love in.
  7. Let Go of Anger and Blame.
  8. Take responsibility.
  9. Let stuff go. We cannot control everything. Let things go as all is in God’s hands.
  10. Always do your best. Show up in life with the best possible version of yourself. And all good things will come to you.

For more good Angel messages, tune into the Angel Heart Talk show with Angel Intuitive Julie Robinson, Mondays at 1 pm M.S.T.

Easy Practices Your Angels Want to you to Engage in.

You have to walk by faith and not by sight.


You have to walk by faith and not by sight. This newly faith-filled attitude is the beginning of trust. We are starting to see more synchronicities in what appears to be day-to-day life. Most of us find that as we work with the angels, we begin to notice more blessings come our way. Feeling less anxious, we are attracting more positive experiences. This increased vibration is one of the first fruits of aligning our energy with the angels

Manifestation Comes From Your Consciousness of the Angels

Life areas and relationships are similarly created.  Both are expressions of your own feelings materialized: each person is responsible for his or her own creations and will ultimately have the chance to see the status of his or her own consciousness by looking at his or her various life areas.  Although each of the growth fields are created by different beliefs, it is important to know every manifestation, every relationship you have, originates from your very consciousness of Spirit: God and the angels, and you can recognize these forms to be Spirit made manifest.  There is often inner conflict between both our feelings and our status of consciousness that serves as primary evidence there must be an influence from one’s personal belief system, as they would be the only factors capable to let the space for negativity to flow through which didn’t previously exist in pure God and angel consciousness. The power of your ability to see God and the angels with pure objective consciousness, is the common variable between all desirably manifest life areas in form.  Manifestations in both growth fields and in our relationships derive their inner conflict from you being severed from your God-consciousness, despite their form being products mostly of your unconscious beliefs.

Life areas manifest directly according to your beliefs and relationship to them when you examine your effects.  You can immediately turn to your unconscious, hidden beliefs by doing the following exercise:

Look at any manifestation in your various life areas I.E. Career, Finance, Weight, etc. With the understanding, it represents your prior status of consciousness.  Also understand that this life area is directly attached, in substance, to your consciousness of  “effects”.  And since it is still attached to your consciousness, it should be able to tell you something about yourself.  Think of any area of your life for a moment. It could be your job, your finances, your romantic partnership, your health, your weight, your family and your life purpose. Now send it a message telepathically. Just say, “I recognize you to be, Spirit made manifest in to form.  Now tell it, “You are alive and conscious of yourself.”

Now I’m going to give your some questions to ask your growth fields to get to know yourself better.  You want to be conscious of your manifestations through your subconscious thinking. I want you to mentally ask them to your life areas and immediately write down the answers. Know, I’m going to ask that you write those responses down. So let’s ask the growth fields questions and listening to what it says, but only take a few seconds to record the response. Don’t stop to analyze or evaluate what you hear ow what comes through. Just write down the immediate response. So if you’re ready, here are the questions to ask your chosen life area you’re thinking of:

1. How would you describe my attitude toward you? ( now listen)

2. Do I fear you? And if so, why?

3.  Have I ever abused you or been abused by you or someone in your field in some way?

4.  For the 4th question, pay attention to the screen of your mind’s eye. You will see a number flashing in your third eye chakra. On a scale of 1-10. With 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, ask, “ how would you measure my integrity as it specifically relates to you?” Now write the number down

5. Do you feel I am a responsible person regarding you?

6. (Open ended question so you can receive more information I didn’t think of asking. So listen and write for a few minutes.) What other information do you have about my feelings and attitude toward you? (“You” being ie career, health, Partner or Friend, or Family member etc)

Know, any negative feelings will be transmuted by your new awareness of manifestation. Now I’m going to share some more insights with you about the Spiritual Side of Manifesting Miracles or other desirable effects in your life areas:

A) As this divine energy flows out of your consciousness it is impressed by your tone and shaped by your dominate beliefs. Therefore, what you see, feel and hear and taste and touch and smell, are your beliefs objectified.  The form and experience are but effects; they are appearances.  What appears as effects, are truly the beliefs you have conditioned in your consciousness I.E. what you’ve told yourself or learned from others. For example, if you learned that food was a reward, you’ll look to food in that regard, not as nourishment, and probably have an eating disorder or your health will be compromised in some other way. That is the “conditioning” or “labeling” you do unconsciously in your consciousness

B) So know… you don’t need to put any emphasis on your effects as the Source of your supply, but you can on God. Meaning take your eyes off of the Food, The Money, The Connections, The Career, and put your complete attention on God and the angels. Jesus said to first cleanse the inside of the cup, so that the outside might also be clean. He means to change an outer condition, you must first change the inner condition ie your consciousness. The best way to uplift your consciousness or to “clean it” is keep your entire focus on the God within.

C) The supply flows uninterrupted when you look to God and angels as the source alone and take your eyes off your outer effect. You don’t want to cut off the real source of your supply. It is better to give the power to your Source. So know…this means the more you listen to your angels and or both God, and take guided action, the greater the miracles and more desirable the manifestations in your life areas.

D) Understand the outer world of form is a symbol of inner supply in your consciousness. It is the symbol of the idea in your “divine mind”.

These points are a significant commentary on how the transaction of ‘Cause and Effect’ really works.  Your “supply”, your “effects”, are outer symbols of the spiritual being that you are in spiritual truth, along with any beliefs, as the law of attraction in action exemplified clearly here.

Moreover, any undesirable effects in your various life areas serves as mirrors to your inner consciousness and inner conflicts in the manifest. Indeed the outer form is a symbol only your prior state of consciousness, which you can choose to alter at any time on the physical plane by first changing your inner state on the spiritual plane. You know that ultimately you have to follow the guidance of your angels for the best possible outcomes, and also requires a cleaner inner state of consciousness. This dramatic law of attraction will help you to see your blind spots, such as your unhealthy beliefs to heal the inner conflicts between your will and the will of God and the angels.

