Mercury Retrograde Dec 19-Jan 8 2017

Image result for mercury retrograde december 2016 is in capricorn

This month’s planetary configurations offer us a great deal. Some people may not be aware of the benefits they are reaping with the changes. These benefits are not just for the personality. It’s time to read all about how Mercury retrograde and the full moon improves relationships, integrity and promotion.

Both Mercury Retrograde on Dec 19th and a full Moon in Gemini Dec 13th influence the way we look at communication. The full moon in Gemini highlights the emotional power and impact of words, while Mercury Direct in Capricorn is not likely to be very dramatic in divulgence. As a result, a person may have a lot to say and strong opinions with regards to ethics, however, will be less likely to pop off at the mouth. This is making for a lot of suppressed words in December.

This influence, however, does just justify a person to engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms; it pushes up to improve the way we process events and our overall communication performance. When you can’t say ‘whatever’s on your mind’ this will maximize your use of filter and helps to keep your reputation and relationships in tact generally speaking. For example, it decreases the chance of going off, maintains our integrity, and maximizes our cool composure. These planetary influences, therefore, helps people to think before they speak but more importantly, allows them to look their best.

If anyone thinks these benefits are not beneficial, he or she should know that when you bite your tongue, you’re passing the tests. God’s not going to promote you if you’re communication skills are unstable. Being eloquently spoken is very attractive. People who communicate with class get promoted more frequently. These planetary influences, then, not only make us think before we speak and maintain our relationships; it helps us move to the next level.

Mercury retrograde Dec 19 – Jan 8 2017 and the Full Moon in Gemini Dec 13th make the Holidays a far more communication sensitive month than any other month this year. People who are unfamiliar with the benefits of the planetary configurations miss out on a fair amount this month. These changes are beneficial for several issues related to communication. By being aware a person will maintain his relationships, his cool and set himself up for promotion.
